I've GOT to learn Spanish!

Okay, I have decided to learn Spanish.  I have wanted to do it for quite a while, since I have a lot of non-English speaking customers and it would be nice to know what the heck we are talking about, lol.  But, up until today, I wasn't in that big of a hurry. Now it is a necessity!

There is a Mexican man who comes into the store where I work and speaks to me all the time.  Now, I know enough of the Spanish language to get that he wants to be my boyfriend (novio) and that he doesn't care that I have one already or that I have five kids or that he is 11 years younger than me. (No Problemo).
Well, he keeps saying something to me that I cannot decipher and it was driving me crazy.

Today, I waited on a couple Mexicans who were purchasing a bed frame. They were two males and from our conversation about the bed, I thought that they had  a good working knowledge of the English language. I mean, we didn't have any trouble negotiating a price or anything.  Well, MY mistake!

I decided to ask the one who spoke with me the most what "Querer te mucho" means. I know mucho means 'much' but I didn't know the rest. No sooner had I gotten these words out of my mouth that their eyes got huge, they began grinning like cheshire cats and I realized I had just made a mistake.

They started strutting around the store, giving me the 'eyes' and asking me if I love him. I said NO!  I did NOT say Te quiro AT ALL!  I finally told them I didn't understand (no comprende) and that I had a boyfriend (novio). Finally they left.

So, as soon as I got home, I went to SpanishDict.com and typed in my query. (Which I should have done in the first place, by the way!)  It seems I had just told this man that I wanted him very much!  O-M-G !!!!

Needless to say, I have now signed up for their FREE Spanish classes and will never speak spanish again unless I know for sure what the heck I am saying!

Yep, that's my life for ya!



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